18 Apr

Perhaps you have heard of Alfie Evans, or his father, Tom Evans. But do you really know their story? Alfie Evans is a one year old boy who suffers from a Mitochondrial lacking symptom. He is only alive due to being hooked up to a lifecare system in England. The British Court recently ruled in favor of pulling the plug on Alfie, who lives in a partial coma. His parents have been fiercely fighting this decision. The father, Tom Evans, even met with Pope Francis to ask for help. The family firmly believes that their son will survive, and are willing to fight until the end.

Alfie Evans suffers from Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome. This means that energy can’t reach his muscles, kidney, or brain. As a result Alfie suffers from growth stunts and severe brain damage. There is no cure for this condition. The court decided to end Alfies life because according to doctors reports, his brain has been almost entirely eroded away, leaving nothing but fluids and spinal remnants. This seems like sufficient proof that the child will never recover, but not enough that the government should order his death. 

I strongly support the family’s choice to continue this fight, not because I’m sure some miracle will happen, but because the government has no right to be involved in this situation. I would like to connect this to abortion. Both pro-life and pro-choice supporters would agree that the child should be kept on life support, even if for different reasons. Pro-life supporters believe that a baby should be birthed, even if the family doesn’t want it. Thus, I believe many would agree that this child deserves a chance. This is similar to where the Pope stands on this issue, who has asked Italian hospitals to take the child in. 

Pro-choice supporters believe that it is the parents choice, and often more the mothers choice, whether the child should be aborted or not. Even if they do not call it a child. Thus, they would agree that it is the parents choice whether they continue the fight for Alfies life. Although both groups believe in Alfie staying on line, they believe it for different reasons. If a government can legalize pro-choice laws, then they should respect the choice of the parents in this case. 

I believe the British Government has no right to get involved in this situation, and that it is in hands of the parents. They should not be making court orders to turn off the machine that is keeping a baby alive. That is true murder, no matter what the judge says. This child might not have a chance to survive, but it is not up to the British Courts to decide that. If the family has faith and wants to keep fighting then they should have the resources and support they need to keep going. 

Written by Lenny O’Mahony

April 18, 2017


Alfie Evans died Saturday 28th, 2:30 AM, five days after his life support was turned off. We all deeply mourn this loss. His father released a statement saying that this will be the end of the ordeal, and he has no hard feelings, he wishes only to focus on mourning and moving on. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. God bless you Alfie. 

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