My Opinion On Abortion
Written by Lenny O'Mahony
Abortion has been around for thousands of years. In recent years there has been a fight to legalize abortion all over the world. It has become a woman's right issue, as women have felt that anti-abortion laws have been restricting and controlling over women and their bodies.
The National Abortion Federation says that almost half of the pregnancies in America are unintended. Around half of those unintended pregnancies are aborted. Research shows that many of these unintended abortions were due to contraception failures, human error, or ignorance.
There are some of the facts on abortion, now I’m going to answer some questions based on my opinion.
Abortion is not moral. I believe they are a living being at the moment of conception. Many bible verses talk about how precious a child is and how God knew these children before He formed them in the womb. But, we must look beyond and into the reality of this situation. Most women want abortions because they don’t feel ready, or just aren’t in a situation where they can take care of their children. To prevent this people need to be taught to be more careful and responsible. We need more programs educating people on sexual health and safety. Abortion should always be the last option. And even if that is the situation the mother is in, they could always put the child in foster care to be adopted. Coming from the foster care system I can’t say that's the best option, but it is more of a opportunity than death. But again, some women don’t want to do that, which is reasonable. Other women need to continue working and paying bills, as well as working on educations. These women can’t even afford to be pregnant, much less give birth. They don’t seem to have much a choice.
I believe as a Christian that every struggle and pain we face in our lives is a opportunity to grow in our faith and to become better, wiser, and stronger people. And we always have a choice.
Now, if you read all that you would think I am pro-life. But I’m not. I’m pro-choice. Many women argue that it’s their body, and their choice. While I would partially disagree with that I’ll admit one thing, It’s more their choice than mine. I can’t tell them what to do, and I wouldn’t push laws to force them into attempting home abortions or possibly suicide.
Most women who are set on having a abortion will have one either way. Making abortion illegal would only increase the chance of killing the mother, as well as creating a illegal market for fetuses (yes thats a thing)* By legalizing it we can assure the mother is as safe as possible and that the dead children receive proper care.
But to emphasize on my being pro-choice. Many people view being pro-choice as pro-abortion, but that's not totally true. I believe that the best way to prevent abortions isn’t to make them illegal, but to give women a choice. To give them facts, options, choices. Women feel like if they don’t have a abortion their life will be ruined. That abortion is the only option. But if they are presented with options, financial aid for counseling, and a safe place, they are more likely to keep the child. And even if they decide to get abortion, it will be affordable and safe. Catholic organizations already provide programs for women before and after a abortion. But if there was a program that helped provide financial aid for counseling and other services then we would reduce abortion and unintended pregnancy rates.
In conclusion, I do not support abortion, but I will always try to help people make their decision. I believe giving women options is the best way to help those considering abortions, in both deterring them and providing affordable, safe abortions for the mother. I regret that abortions happen, but they are a part of society today. Through education and sexual health we can reduce unintended pregnancies, and abortions in turn.